motivation personal development wellbeing

So, 6 months blogging and grateful for this wonderful community…

Hello you!

So I’m blogging 6 months now and have to say I’m so grateful ( wish I did it sooner, but hey ho here I am blogging)

Now, when I started out blogging, I was posting poetry I had saved from months earlier, would hit submit and off I went on my merry way. I never commented or visited other blogs (took me a while to thaw out really; confidence issues with my writing skills obviously). Then the comments started. I slowly started to get more confident, replying with a word or 2 ( now it’s all about crawling before walking isn’t it?) and then proper commenting on other blogs.

Do you know something? It’s been brilliant. Nobody is going to tear you apart with comments (unless you’re into heated debates) and the kindness and support on this wonderful journey makes it even that more enjoyable.

Enjoy it and remember: we are all on a “constant” journey of growth.

We are making sense of this world (especially during these times) and sharing your ideas, thoughts and advice helps to make sense a little bit more.

So what are the 3 things I’ve learned since starting to blog?

1. Blogging can be fun – stick with it, comment on other blogs, even just a little comment or like for that extra bit of encouragement and support for others.

2. Read up on blogging tips/advice: it helps. If like me it’s a hobby and a way to connect with fellow bloggers/writers, then don’t be putting too much pressure on yourself for having loads of followers. Just enjoy it and it’s great for brushing up on your writing skills too.

3. Use the tagging option in post settings, so your post can reach the bloggers you want to reach, and to share your stories/poetry/inspiration – whatever your niche is. Don’t focus too much on niche at the start, that will come and enjoy the process.

Blogging is full of encouragement, like minded and real people (non of this perfect social media portrayed life) when you read the material that suits ‘you’ that is.

Yes, there are times when it can feel overwhelming, and when it does, then take a little step back, recharge those batteries as your blog will “always” be there. Read up on blogging tips and remember “you have to crawl before you walk”. Something I’ve been learning more about lately. Try not to be too hard on yourself and take each step bit by bit.

So what tips do you have when starting out blogging and how has your blogging experience been so far?

Thank you for stopping by, happy blogging and be kind to yourself and others.

Have a lovely day ❤🙏

journaling, gratitude

Journaling, gratitude and 5 tips to help you practice daily!

Hello there you!

Do you journal and practice gratitude?

During Covid, so many of us have had time to reflect on life (I’ve been doing lots of soul searching) and to appreciate the simple things.

Practicing gratitude is something you can introduce into your life daily, to focus more on the positives in your life. However, some days it can be difficult to practice when you’re not in the mood, or life just becomes too busy and you have to dig that little bit deeper. But the benefits to your mental and physical wellbeing can be huge when focusing on the good in your life.

I started writing a journal during Covid and I finish each entry with a gratitude list; finding it helpful to be more present and focused (relieving stress and anxiety). It’s a great stress management tool.

5 Tips to help incorporate journaling and gratitude into your life.

1. Write, write, write! When putting pen to paper and writing in free flow – it helps you to process any overwhelming thoughts and it’s good to let it out. Get yourself a good journal.

2. Try not to get too focused on having to write everyday, but try to write as much as possible into your journal and always have that journal in a place where you can see it (as a little reminder to write).

3. Write a list of 3-5 things you’re grateful for each day – or even thinking about it as you wake up in the morning or before going to sleep at night.  It can be the simple little things and can make such a big difference.  The more you practice, the more habitual it should become and part of your thought process.

4. Write in the same place each time you journal, so it becomes a habit over time. I write at the table and have my journal and pen in a little basket on that table, so I’m not trying to find where I left it (cuts out the stress of looking for it)

5. Date each entry into your journal and write down whatever mood you are feeling that day. If you are looking back over your journal, you can pinpoint what triggers certain moods. 

Benefits to your overall wellbeing

Journaling can be great for your wellbeing; a good way to process your thoughts and to also document the ups and downs in your life. We all have those ups and downs – my goodness you’re only human after all.

Writing really is cathartic and practicing gratitude each day is a way to appreciate the little things – when you stop, listen to yourself and become more self-aware and present.

Being in the present moment really helps if you are feeling anxious/stressed and are constantly worrying about what’s going to happen.

Do you journal and practice gratitude? And what works for you? 

I hope this post has been helpful to you and helps to incorporate journaling and gratitude into your daily life going forward❤🙏

Thank you for taking the time to read and happy journaling!

family motherhood personal development wellbeing

Reminders, and a poem about the balance, changes you go through when becoming a mummy/parent!

Hello you!

I wrote the following poem a few months back after joining a poetry writing group for mums. Since the beginning of this pandemic (when I started writing poetry) most of my poetry was written about Covid and nature.

When I started writing about motherhood, it made me think of the changes you go through when becoming a parent; but also the pure joy and unconditional love that you have for your children.

Parenting is hard, it’s rewarding, full of surprises and it’s a pick and mix of emotions: and throwing a pandemic on top of it all? Well. But the laughs from your little people, their little funny ways tugs at those heart strings like nothing else. And you would do ANYTHING for them..

I often sit back and watch my 4 and 2 year old girls playing, to absorb those precious, precious moments that flash by in an absolute heartbeat! Savoring those little moments, that you will never get back. Hugging them to pieces: without the rushing about and before they tell you to ‘get off’.

If I’ve learned anything, it’s to stop trying to be a perfect parent (that’s impossible) and to enjoy every moment. Doing the best you can is the very best you can ever do.



I often look at the bride beaming down
from the canvas photo –
two stone lighter, a wife,
running enthusiast: not yet a mummy.
I often look at my tummy; it sits like a bag of wheat,
my thighs dimpled like an orange.
I often look at my ashen roots,
reflecting every bit of my years.
I often look at how I indulge in chocolate,
A withered flower blowing with those gales

The beaming bride? Two stone lighter,
but gaining two of the most
precious gifts to run after.
My bag of wheat? Two beautiful little cakes were created.
My ashen roots? Life doesn’t stand still
and there’s no cheating that
(a trip to the hairdressers does pretty well!).
My chocolate craving?
A tired mummy, lockdown mummy, craves that chocolate:
In a lower gear –
while sipping that obligatory glass of gin & tonic.

Reminders of life. A wife.
A mummy. Lockdown
and my birthing tummy.

So here’s a toast to you as a parent, the juggling act that goes along with it and YOU are enough.

Have a beautiful day, savouring those moments with your little blossoms and also being kind to yourself throughout the process.

mental health awareness week

Mental health awareness week, soaking up the outdoors and a poem on kindness!

Hello you!

As it comes to the end of ‘mental health awareness week’ (mental health foundation UK – a very worthy foundation) and its promotion on connecting more with nature, I reflect on the importance of this awareness. I feel a strong connection to nature and it is so beneficial to my mental wellbeing – especially throughout these uncertain times that ‘you’ and I find ourselves in. I’ve connected vastly with the outdoors throughout this pandemic.

It sounds so simple and it is: stepping outside, soaking up the outdoors and all that beauty – while getting a good blast of fresh air in the process! I know the thoughts sometimes seem harder than the actual doing! But ‘you’ start to reap the benefits from doing so…

Onto that lovely word called ‘kindness’

I shared the following poem about being kind as one of my first blog posts (I’m 2 months blogging now, so still a newbie 😉), and I’m sharing it with you again. With it being ‘mental health awareness week’ I think ‘kindness’ is so important and how a little bit goes such a long way. Its one of the first poems I wrote when I first started writing poetry during this pandemic.


Thank you, it’s nice to be kind

A gentle smile, a heartfelt word, clears the cloud from my mind:
lifting me out of the darkest of places ‘thank you’ it’s nice to be kind.
A little text with those words ‘I’m here’ travels the length of the earth –
the racing mind slowly calms from every word and its worth.

In a world portraying so much anger yet still has so much beauty –
spreading kindness every day is undoubtedly everyone’s duty.
Be kind you say, how hard is this in a world with so much confusion?
kindness helps one another, without the fear and intrusion.

To someone in need a simple hello or even a chat over tea –
is the greatest gift for a person to thrive and also to somewhat feel free.
A withered flower blossom’s again and is no longer blind.
Lifting me out of the darkest of places, ‘thank you’ it’s nice to be kind.

Bernie Egerton June 2020

Kindness is so easy

Little gestures – heartfelt words

The ‘kind’ that matters

Thank ‘you’ for taking the time to read my post 💖🙏. Be gentle and kind with yourself; may it be filled with lovely walks/jogs/cycles (whatever you enjoy) kindness and surrounded by the beauty of loved ones and nature 🌲🌱🌻

Have a beautiful day and keep smiling – you’ve got this 🙏💫

Do you feel a sense of connection to nature?

Soaking up the beauty of nature 🍃

Family 💖 – outdoor adventures with our busy bees 🥰


glastonbury festival

Glastonbury… A festival filled with love, peace, happiness and great music (in a time pre-covid)

I’ve been to a few festivals back in my festival going days and the one that really stands out as having that peace love and happiness vibe – is of course the famous Glastonbury festival! I also love Electric Picnic in Ireland (a much smaller but beautiful festival). However, Glasto is up there as being one of those WOW experiences – you’ll know all about that if you’ve attended this great festival.

Glastonbury started in 1970 (named Pilton Pop, Folk and Blues Festival back then) and had around 1,500 people. Today it has over 200,000 attending and sells out within the hour: you can imagine the panic the morning they go on sale to secure a ticket!!

There is so much you can say about Glasto – with its beautiful location in Worthy Farm Somerset, portraying that peace, love and happiness theme it so famously lives by. Vibes with outstanding views, the banter and exploring the many quirky and fun areas!

There are so many areas to chill out in, browse around while soaking up the glorious and incredible creative and artistic creations displayed throughout – before the music even starts.

Glastonbury festival overlooks an abundance of greenery in a farm dotted with thousands of festival-goers. It is picturesque to stand back and embrace it all on the highest hill of the venue. Every area is evidently put together with so much love and hard work; displaying amazing themes throughout the farm.

Oh the joy after we set up camp ⛺
Lots of creativity throughout!

Green farm fields!
Peace Garden – chilled out!

Even has a daily press – Dolly Parton was amazing!

Nothing like huddling around a camp fire as the night got chilly 🔥

Festival of trust:

Everyone is just in their element and so much trust is attached to a festival of such vast. From my own experience: I remember losing my bag with wallet, keys, phone and sunglasses (ok, a few ciders might’ve been involved) thought to myself “there is no chance of that being handed in”. I went to the lost and found area next day and couldn’t believe my luck, when my bag was handed in and EVERYTHING was there. That just showed the trust and vibe of the place, making the experience even more special.

Dalai Lama Appearance:

His Holiness the Dalai Lama made an appearance back in 2015 (Patty Smith brought him on stage during her set) . It was so lovely to experience this as the crowd sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him. As he left (as gracious as ever) he wished us a happy life and that the sun would shine for us throughout the day. The minute he uttered those words the clouds split and out came that sun to a roaring crowd of festival-goers; it was such a magical moment!

Ley Line:

Glasto is meant to lie on a ley line, aligning monuments and landscapes – having an energy like no other. That is entirely up to what you believe. Whatever it is, it certainly has a powerful energy attached to it!

Glasto has everything, from family areas, amazing food stands from every type of food, meditation fields, circus, comedy, oh the list is endless. It really is a place for all ages to enjoy. Let’s not forget the music that is added to this glorious event. Standing at the top of that Pyramid stage overlooking the farm and feeling that connection is powerful. Live bands belting out tunes to a crowd of music lovers – soaking up the vibes and connecting with each other!

Those days will return for any of you itching to get back to festivals. My festival days are over (well the long weekend ones anyway) but it’s the memories that live on in your soul along with the people, music, fun, laughter and beautiful Worthy Farm Somerset that I’ll forever be grateful for experiencing!

The famous Glasto wristband!

Beautiful lanterns at night 🌌

Thank you for taking the time to read my nostalgic festival post. What festivals have you enjoyed? Would love to hear 😊

As the famous Glastonbury vibe goes: may you have peace love and happiness in your life. Stay safe, be kind to each other and enjoy belting out those tunes!!

health and wellbeing mindfulness

Reflecting on recent lockdown lifting, new-found hobbies and mindful moments!

So things are starting to slowly open up again in England. Evenings are brighter, weather is just so lovely and there really is a buzz around the place. How are you feeling? Are the many months in lockdown making you feel nervous about normality returning and visiting places again? Its only normal to feel this way if you do. Its been a tough year.

I’m not going to rush back to non-essential shops just yet, but I’m enjoying meeting up with friends again for leisurely walks outside in parks, with take away coffees and a bit of banter!

I’ve really enjoyed the reflective work and my new hobbies (poetry writing and cardmaking), connecting more with nature and appreciating things you really took for granted when life was full of hustle and bustle before the pandemic.

Once cases get to a very low level, I’m really looking forward to getting back home to Ireland and seeing my family again. I’m sure you also look forward to that day and where you and I are mask free – with social distancing no longer being part of our norm.

This pandemic has changed us all in so many ways, having to deal with a huge wave of events, losing loved ones and having the virus. Its a time of constant reflection, looking at the small but important stuff that makes a huge difference to all our lives.

Mindful moments:

Throughout the pandemic I’ve been practicing mindful techniques and just being more ‘aware’ of the moment and appreciating the simple, yet powerful things in life.

So much beauty is out there when you stop, look around and look up.

On a recent walk with my daughter we discovered this little bee burrowing in the ground, flapping its little wings and it really was amazing to watch. We both enjoyed that moment in a little area with lots of pretty flowers. Nature is ‘always’ there.

My little lady admiring the tall tree 🌳©️Bernie Egerton 2021

Daffodils are such lovely spring flowers 💐 ©️Bernie Egerton 2021

Busy burrowing bee 🐝 ©️Bernie Egerton 2021

Things are slowly going back to normal, new-found hobbies have surfaced throughout this pandemic and small mindful moments can be so precious.

Have a lovely day/evening, stay safe, keep smiling – look up and around you, enjoying those mindful moments ❤

What have you enjoyed during these strange times?