acceptance growth happiness health and wellbeing inspiration journaling, gratitude personal development poetry community

New Year, Staying Present and Focusing on the Small stuff…

Hello there you and Happy New Year!

How are you feeling after the festive season? Are you glad to be getting back into a more structured routine?  I’m looking forward to getting back into a more healthier routine (too many sweets/tipples, but I enjoyed it all, and the banter that went along with it)
I had such a lovely time back home in Ireland catching up with family, and my brother who I hadn’t seen in over 2 years due to Covid! I was grateful every day!

Present moment:

“It’s the feeling you get when you are able to be touched

By the simple things in life: watching a child playing,

The leaves falling from a tree”

Richard Carlson

When life stood tragically still in lockdown, I soaked up the outdoors, connecting so much with nature and my family.  I then started to crave nature and became more self aware. I soaked up those giggles from our girls; realising there is so much beauty out there and the free stuff like fresh air, fabulous beaches, sunsets and mountains: are all breathtaking views that are food for the soul! Absorbing the “present” moment!

When you stop striving for “perfection”, you  automatically start to slow down and realise all that beauty was right under your nose (while your mind was full of worry and busy from those to do lists, lots of unnecessary clutter taking up space in your mind)

Poetry outlet:

I wrote the following ‘etheree’ poem as a reminder to absorb those precious little moments…  Being present certainly is the way to do it. Sounds so easy doesn’t it? It is when you practice being present every day but you have to work on it, enjoying the simple little things in life, changing your thought process to a more “positive” way of thinking and being extremely grateful.

Grab it


Starts with

Fresh air. Free

Flawless. Simple.

But so powerful.

When you stop. Soak it up;

like sand soaking salty sprays,

gentle yet ferocious waves. The

present is all you have. Grab it, then

bottle it. Capturing every small bit!

Bernie Egerton

Enjoying that fresh air and watching the girls happy out at the beach!!
My eldest loves rolling down those sand dunes… Absorbing it all !

Growing from within, self-awareness being mindful and always learning; are the components to reaching that place of peace and happiness. Getting the most out of life for “you” and yours.

Work on ‘you’ and believe in yourself.  Trust me, the rest will follow!! 


Happiness during a pandemic? I know. A short poem and something to think about…

What’s this, a poem about happiness during a global pandemic I hear you say? I know. It’s hard for you to think about such a word. But it’s during this pandemic when I wrote this poem (end of page) and, when my poetry journey began.

Digging deep from within and thinking ‘what is happiness’?  Is when you realise it’s the precious, daily things and not constantly chasing this ‘BIG’ idea of what makes ‘YOU’ happy.

We now have so much more time to think about and appreciate life during this Covid rollercoaster. Normal life stands still at the moment, and normality is that little bit away yet. But the light (although it seems far away) is beaming through those clouds, as this vaccine rollout continues and strives.

It’s a little piece of rhyming poetry to hopefully bring a smile to ‘your’ face and something to think about.


Happiness is hearing your children giggle, Playing without a care.
Happiness is having a stroll on the beach
Inhaling that fresh air
Happiness is drinking cups of tea,
Relaxed without a worry.
Happiness is listening to music,
Lost but not in a hurry.
Happiness is watching flowers in bloom,
The warmth on a summer’s day.
Happiness is time with family and friends
Laughing and chatting away.
Happiness is laughing so hard,
Your eyes fill up with tears.
Happiness is sharing stories,
With family, friends;  no fears.
Happiness is the simple things
In life that make you feel whole.
Happiness is a connection –
Touching deep, within your soul.

©️ 2020 Bernie Egerton @

Bee happy 🐝